I hate snaps…

Okay, so Ms. Kaz keeps telling me that I need to explain the title of my blog to everyone who reads here. Me? I want to wait until anyone actually reads this blog don’t think dads need this explained.

I’m not a big guy. More of an average-sized guy. But, damn if those little tiny snaps (on newborn Onesies(tm), especially) don’t make me feel like I have these big meaty hands. And, if being tiny weren’t enough, they have three of them so freakin’ close to each other…

And don’t even get me started on finally getting two of them snapped, only to realize they aren’t lined up correctly.

So, no, I don’t feel I need to explain the title of this blog.

Post a comment, let me know that someone actually reads my blog I am not the only dad out there who wishes for velcro Onesies(tm).

5 Responses to I hate snaps…

  1. MetroDad says:

    Yo! I’m here, dude!

  2. Dave says:

    Snaps? I don’t mind the snaps, it’s those darn miniature buttons shaped like flowers with little loops made out of six strands of thread that make me feel like I have arthritic, meaty hands.

    You’re write-ups are enjoyable. Keep going!


    (Kaz: Thanks! And thanks (to you and everyone else) for stopping by! We’ve been fortunate not to have too many of those so far. Usually if I dress my daughter, I try picking out the outfit. In that case, I just avoid ones with those buttons)

  3. Bob says:

    Yeah, I hate when the snaps don’t line up. Then the kid gets all mad when she notices you’re unsnapping things to line them up. How do you explain the concept of OCD to an impatient one-year old?

  4. Troy Rutt says:

    I hate them more than life itself! How many times have you NOT lined them up right! Snap the far left snap in the middle and the middle snap in the far right and!!!!! What a total pain at 3 AM in a dimly lit room!!!

  5. Tim says:

    I followed a link from another blog to this post. We have a 5 month old. I have tears of joy and pain running down my face right now. You’re speaking to me! Amen! Yessir! I had no idea that I was not alone in this world. Thank you for showing me that I am indeed part of a brotherhood.

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